Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Royal Limey Wedding.

HP will be sending a correspondent to England to cover the royal load of bullshit wedding. Perhaps to cover the wedding night royal fisting of that chick whos too hot for that limey douche bag.

She rates very high on our stroke scale.

Raymer is a bitch.

With them shutting down online gaming halls where am I going to go to get bad beats handed to me by some 15 year old internet badass sitting in his underwear? Its not gambling....its skill. RIGHT. And rubbing your hand rapidly on you dong isn't masterbating...its therapy.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Douche of the Day

Prank leaves man superglued to toilet seat at


I think I would rather shit myself than to use a toilet at Wal-Mart. If it's an emegency fucking hover.

Worst part is he had to go to hospital with the fucking toilet attacted!